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  • 姓  名:黄礼英
  • 性  别:
  • 出生日期:1989年1月
  • 民  族:汉族
  • 籍  贯:河南商丘
  • 学  位:博士
  • 学  历:博士研究生
  • 职  称:副教授
  • 职  务:
  • 政治面貌:中共党员
  • 邮  箱:lyhuang8901@126.com
  • 联系电话:




2022/01---至今, 长江大学,农学院农学系,副教授,硕士生导师



2013/09-2018/12, 华中农业大学,植物科学与技术学院作物栽培学与耕作学专业,硕博连读,获农学博士学位






1. 国家自然科学基金(32001467):水稻冠层光照和氮素分布匹配机理及调控途径研究,24万元,在研,主持,2021.01-2023.12;

2. 长江大学湿地生态与农业利用教育部工程研究中心开放基金(KF202011):光照、种植密度和氮肥对水稻冠层光、氮分布及其匹配指数的影响,2万元,在研,主持,2020.7-2022.7;

3. 长江大学大学生创新创业训练计划:增密减氮对不同类型水稻品种产量形成的影响(省级,2021年);

4. 长江大学大学生创新创业训练计划:氮肥和种植密度对水稻籽粒含水量和稻米品质的影响(校级,2021年);

5. 长江大学博士科研启动金:典型籼粳杂交稻产量和氮肥利用效率对减氮的响应,5万元,在研,主持,2019.1-2022.1;

6. 国家自然科学基金面上项目,超高产水稻育种进程中的辐射利用率演变规律及对产量调控机理解析,58万元,在研,参与,2022.01-2025.12;

7. 国家自然科学基金青年项目,水稻育种进程中气孔密度的变化规律及其与光合作用的关系,23万元,已结题,参与,2016.01-2019.12;


一、第一或通讯作者论文(Representative Publications)

1. Huang LY, Wang F, Liu Y, Zhang YB. Night temperature determines the interannual yield variation in hybrid and inbred rice widely used in Central China through different effects on reproductive growth. Frontiers in Plant Science. 2021, 646168. (植物科学类2区,影响因子5.753)

2. Huang LY,Wang F, Liu Y, Tian XH, Zhang YB. Can optimizing seeding rate and planting density alleviate the yield loss of double-season rice caused by prolonged seedling age? Crop Science. 2021, 1-16. (农林科学2区,影响因子2.319)

3. Chong HT, Jiang ZY, Shang LY, Shang C, Deng J, Zhang YB, Huang LY*. Dense planting with reduced nitrogen input improves grain yield, protein quality, and resource use efficiency in hybrid rice. Journal of Plant Growth Regulation. 2022. (植物科学3区,影响因子4.169)

4. Huang LY,Li XX, Zhang YB, FAha, Wang F. dep1 improves rice grain yield and nitrogen use efficiency simultaneously by enchancing nitrogen and dry matter translocation. (农林科学2区,影响因子2.848)

5. Huang LY, Yang DS, Li XX, Peng SB, Wang F. Coordination of high grain yield and high nitrogen use efficiency through large sink size and high post-heading source capacity in rice. Field Crops Research. 2019, 233, 49-58. (农林科学1区top期刊,影响因子5.224)

6. Huang LY, Sun F, Yuan S, Peng SB, Wang F. Responses of candidate green super rice and super hybrid rice varieties to simplified and reduced input practice. Field Crops Research. 2018, 218, 78-87. (农林科学1区top期刊,影响因子5.224)

7. Huang LY, Sun F, Yuan S, Peng SB, Wang F. Different mechanism underlying the yield advantage of ordinary hybrid and super hybrid rice over inbred rice under low and moderate N input conditions. Field Crops Research. 2018, 216, 150-157. (农林科学1区top期刊,影响因子5.224)

8. Huang LY, Sun Y, Peng SB, Wang F. Genotypic differences of Japonica rice responding to high temperature in China. Agronomy Journal. 2016, 108(2). (农林科学3区,影响因子2.24)

9. 种浩天,尚程,张运波,黄礼英. 增密减氮对不同类型水稻品种颖花形成的影响. 作物杂志, 2021. (北大核心)

10. 种浩天,尚程,张运波,黄礼英. 减氮对不同籼粳杂交稻品种产量和产量构成的影响. 中国稻米, 2021. (北大核心,接收)


1. 2021年7月指导的第七届“互联网+大学生创新创业大赛项目获师生共创组三等奖”

2. 2020年度考核优秀

3. 2019年获优秀党员称号

4. 2018年11月在第11届长三角作物学博士论坛中获优秀报告奖

5. 2018年10月,在华中农业大学获博士国家奖学金

6. 2018年5月, 获华中农业大学研究生学术创新奖

7. 2015-2016年,在华中农业大学获大北农励志奖学金

8. 2013-2016年,在华中农业大学多次荣获三好研究生、单项积极分子

9. 2013年6月,获河南农业大学优秀毕业生称号

10. 2011-2012年,在河南农业大学获国家励志奖学金


1. Wang WL, Huang LY, Zhu GL, Zhang H, Wang ZQ, et al. Screening of rice cultivars for nitrogen use efficiency and yield stability under varying nitrogen levels. Journal of Plant Growth Regulation. 2021.

2. Li XX, Huang LY, Peng SB, Wang F. Inter-annual climate variability constrains rice genetic improvement in China. Food and Energy Security. 2021, 00: e299.

3. Yuan S, Goron T, Huang LY, Wu LL, Wang F. Rice leaf lateral asymmetry in the relationship between SPAD and area-based nitrogen concentration. Symmetry. 2017, 9(6), 83.

4. Wu LL, Yuan S, Huang LY, Sun F, Zhu GL, Li GH, Peng SB, Wang F. Physiological mechanisms underlying the high-grain yield and high-nitrogen use efficiency of elite rice varieties under a low rate of nitrogen application in China. Frontiers in Plant Science. 2016, 7, 1024.

5. Hu Z, Liu Y, Huang LY, Peng SB, Nie LX, Cui KH, Huang JL. Premature heading and yield losses caused by prolonged seedling age in double cropping rice. Field Crops Research. 2015, 183, 147-155.

6. Lu J, Wang DY, Liu K, Chu G, Huang LY, Tian XH, Zhang YB. Inbred varieties outperformed hybrid rice varieties under dense planting with reducing nitrogen. Scientific Reports. 2020, 10 :8769.

7. Lu J, Liu K, Deng J, Feng XQ, Xiong X, Huang LY, Tian XH, Zhang YB. Evaluating the effect of population density and the contribution of early canopy closure to grain yield of hybrid rice. Journal of Plant Growth Regulation. 2021.

8. ............


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